SERENDIUS is taken from word serendipity. It means finding something good without looking for it. When fate makes us finding a good place without even trying, a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, the place where you're your most authentic self.

SERENDIUS is a local closed agency that has no specific concept. We're not using any point system as we want to make it comfortable for every parties. In this house we called the caretaker as Gaddien, which means a guardian. Meanwhile, the members called Golddien, from the word Gold, it can be meaning as something valuable. So, we can say that The Gaddien keeps Golddien because they are important and special.

Bless our house as we come and go. Bless our home as the children grow. Bless our families as they gather in. Bless our home with love and friends.

1. We accepting 21 slots for each boy and girl.
2. Having information about your OC and FC is mandatory. It can be delivered as a thread or via web such as wix, card, steller, etc.
3. The following numbers limited to 120 per account included fellow Golddien, Gaddien, and base account.
4. Put Golddien in your twitter profile. We will check eventually.
5.. One account per head. If you already joining this agency, you cant register yourself again using another account. This rule applies to both Gaddiens and Golddien.
6. Allowed to using any race for face claim. Golddien can use anyone to be their face claim, it can be Korean, Indonesian, American, or Japanese public figure, you name it. But they are prohibited to use a 2D character such as Naruto, One Piece, etc.
7. Use a face claim that is age-appropriate for your oc. Golddien must wisely choose the face claim that suits their oc. Age range between face claim and oc normally is around 3 years different.
8. Temporary Swap Faceclaim allowed for two days. But you cant do it often. You have to notify a Gaddien by DMing Serendius base before swapping.
9. Be wise at choosing your word. We don’t want to restrict your language but vulgar/explicit/strong profanity words are strongly prohibited.
10. LGBT is allowed. We welcome every Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and every gender identity here.
11. Because we are a roleplayer please limit your mun!talk and if you talk out of character (OOC) please use brackets.
12. Don’t fangirling or fanboying or retweeting your face claim or other’s face claim activity/picture. We don’t want other people that used your bias as their face claim feel awkward when you’re fangirling/fanboying them. And we want the timeline stays conducive without too much a fangirling/fanboying post. if you want save the fan account's tweet for using it later, you can use bookmark instead.
13. Time for talking or retweeting NSFW thingy are above 12 am until 4 am. To prevent people underage for knowing topics that are not appropriate for their age, both Gaddien and Golddien, if they want to talk about NSFW thingy, they must pay attention to the time whether under the rules or not.
14. Prohibited from quoting outsider tweets. Because we are a closed agency so we want you to interact with your fellow members more. You can still stay in touch with outsiders by replying to their tweets only.
15. No mention hour start from 7pm untill the game end. Gaddien or Golddien are prohibted to have a comunication by replying or quoting each other tweet. If they are violate this rule, they have to do the dare given by Gaddien on duty.
16. You have to tweet at least 20 tweets per day with your fellow members. This doesn’t count if you just tweet “test” “hello” or having a conversation with outsiders only.
17. Prohibited to make a reunion with your old friends, have a group inside a group (your circle) in timeline. You can have those in your private chat, we must respect other members if we want to be respected.
18. No Drama. If you have a problem you can talk to Gaddien via Direct Message for every problem-solving. Or if you fight with your friends or certain someone, please use a private message to solve them, that’s why Direct Message are made for.
19. Max. days for hiatus is 5 days and Semi Hiatus is 3 days, with few tweets in between semi-hiatus.
20. It is forbidden not to participate the event twice a month. Serendius always make an event every 2 weeks, if you cant make it to the event twice a month thats mean you didnt attend the event for a month. So, with regret, we have to kick you.
21. If you are not online for 24 hours after verification or inactive for two (2) days without notifying Gaddien or have no interaction with your fellow Golddien for two (days), you are unverified from Serendius.

  • Make sure you already read, understand, and willing to obey our RULE. If you don't understand some points, you can ask our Gaddien for a further explanation.

  • Check if your face claim already used or not from our Gaddien list. We will update them along with the registration form.

  • Make your account neat and ready for applying as a Golddien with a clear profile and background story.

  • When the registration is closed, we will read all the applications and check through your account to make sure it matches the requirements we have provided.

  • After all the process is done we will announce the name that passed the registration.

  • After confirming your slot to base, you can change your username to @(OC NAME)ius. For example: @DAWAius @ABELius

  • The final step is, you must follow all Gaddiens and Golddiens account and send a greeting tweet to them. The Gaddiens and Golddiens username list will be updated when there is a change.

  • Be Active!!

Ezra Abraham

Prisya Rastanty

Raka Paksi Bastian

Berlinala Resuvira

Freaya Aracelly

Chandra Dawala

Sarabella Laurinda